Large scale Internet communication activity on intangible cultural heritage kicks off in Beijing

Large scale Internet communication activity on intangible cultural heritage kicks off in Beijing

Reporters of the first team take group photos at the launching ceremony of a large scale Internet communication on intangible cultural heritage, which is jointly held by Office of the Central Leading Group for Cyberspace Affairs and the Ministry of Culture of China, kicks off at Capital Museum China in Beijing, capital of China on Sept. 15, 2017. (Photo by Xing Heyang)

BEIJING, Sept. 15 (Guangming Online)——In order to celebrate the upcoming 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and protect Chinese intangible cultural heritage, the launching ceremony of a large scale Internet communication on intangible cultural heritage, which is jointly held by Office of the Central Leading Group for Cyberspace Affairs and the Ministry of Culture of China, kicks off at Capital Museum China in Beijing, capital of China, on Sept. 15, 2017. The activity is aimed at telling the public more about Chinese intangible cultural heritages via articles, videos, pictures or VR by more than 200 journalists so as to protect these precious heritages.

    由中央网信办网络新闻信息传播局与文化部非物质文化遗产司联合组织开展的“喜迎十九大•文脉颂中华”非物质文化遗产大型网络传播活动今天上午在首都博物馆正式启动。此次活动, 以“非遗”为切入点和主题,积极探索在新媒体快速发展形势下,如何主动把握网络传播规律,在全社会进一步营造弘扬中华优秀传统文化的浓厚舆论氛围。

[ Editor: Zhang Zhou ]


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