Guangming Online> Editor’s Pick

Historic Architecture at the Three Lanes and Seven Alleys in SE China's Fujian Province

Historic Architecture at the Three Lanes and Seven Alleys in SE China's Fujian Province

Photo taken on May 25 shows the Three Lanes and Seven Alleys Historic District in Fuzhou City of Fujian Province in China. As a famed historical and cultural street, it preserved the ancient layout from the Tang and Song dynasties with three lanes on the west and seven alleys on the east, and covers an area of around 600 acres. It was a popular place where many contemporary Chinese intellectuals resided in, including Bingxin, Juemin Lin, and Fu Yan. The historical architectures are stunning to look at, and the different shops and boutiques offer lots to explore. (Junye Zhang/Guangming Picture)

[ Editor: WXL ]