Highlight: Centenary of CYLC identifies taking root among young people as its source of vitality

2022-May-16 15:26 By: GMW.cn

By Wang Xinyuan

Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and chairman of the Central Military Commission, delivers a speech at a ceremony marking the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League of China (CYLC) at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, May 10, 2022. Here are the highlights.

Highlight: Centenary of CYLC identifies taking root among young people as its source of vitality

-- The 100-year history of the Communist Youth League has defined that upholding Party leadership is crucial to the League's success.

The Communist Youth League would not have taken shape without the Communist Party of China. Since the very first day it was founded, the League has shared the same banner, will, and mission with the Party, integrated upholding the leadership of the Party into its lifeblood, and developed its particular character and distinct advantage which differentiate it from other youth organizations. Following the instructions and guidance of the Party remains the political career of the League, and that the League will act upon the Party's call is the political belief of League members from generation to generation. History has proved that only if it upholds Party leadership can the Communist Youth League unite the youth and lead them in moving forward and ensure that the Chinese youth movement is advancing in the right political direction.

Highlight: Centenary of CYLC identifies taking root among young people as its source of vitality

-- The 100-year history of the Communist Youth League has instilled its political essence of having firm ideals and convictions.

Inspired by ideals and convictions, the Communist Youth League has organized and united young people with firm belief and scientific thinking. The first national congress of the League defined building a communist society as its ultimate ideal and made clear its banner of socialism, which has lighted the beacon of ideals and convictions among generations of young people. This is the most fundamental and enduring cohesion of the League. History tells us that only by holding high the banner of communism and socialism, can the Communist Youth League form the most solid unity, forge the most effective organization, and ensure that the youth are united under the banner of the Party's ideals and convictions.

Highlight: Centenary of CYLC identifies taking root among young people as its source of vitality

-- The 100-year history of the Communist Youth League has helped build up its strength for contributing to national rejuvenation.

The Party's goal determines the orientation of the Communist Youth League's action. Focusing on the Party's key tasks in different stages of history, the League has united and led its members and youths in joining the people in practice. It has served as pioneers in efforts toward national rejuvenation and played their role as a fresh driving force and the spearhead, ensuring that the goal of achieving national rejuvenation become the main theme throughout the Chinese youth movement. History has fully demonstrated that only by centering on endeavoring for the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, can the Communist Youth League unite as many young people as possible to write an epic chapter of youth.

Highlight: Centenary of CYLC identifies taking root among young people as its source of vitality

-- The 100-year history of the Communist Youth League has identified taking root among young people as its source of vitality.

The Communist Youth League is glowing with youth and vigor after a hundred years of vicissitudes because it has consistently taken root among young people, put its focus of work on the overwhelming majority of young workers and peasants and ordinary youths, and stood with the youth while building a bridge to bring young people closer to the Party. History has shown that only by drawing nourishment and strength from the fertile soil of the vast number of young people, can the Communist Youth League be a close friend to youths that is trustworthy, reliable, and inseparable.

Editor: WXL
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