July 25, 2023 - A momentous collaboration between CCCC Haifeng Wind Power and Zhenhua Heavy Industry has led to the creation of the formidable offshore vessel, the "Haifeng 2001," a 4,000-ton all-swivel crane vessel. The vessel was successfully delivered at Zhenhua Heavy Industry Qidong Offshore Engineering, marking a significant milestone in the maritime industry. (Photo by Xu Congjun/Guangming Online)
July 25, 2023 - A momentous collaboration between CCCC Haifeng Wind Power and Zhenhua Heavy Industry has led to the creation of the formidable offshore vessel, the "Haifeng 2001," a 4,000-ton all-swivel crane vessel. The vessel was successfully delivered at Zhenhua Heavy Industry Qidong Offshore Engineering, marking a significant milestone in the maritime industry. (Photo by Xu Congjun/Guangming Online)
July 25, 2023 - A momentous collaboration between CCCC Haifeng Wind Power and Zhenhua Heavy Industry has led to the creation of the formidable offshore vessel, the "Haifeng 2001," a 4,000-ton all-swivel crane vessel. The vessel was successfully delivered at Zhenhua Heavy Industry Qidong Offshore Engineering, marking a significant milestone in the maritime industry. (Photo by Xu Congjun/Guangming Online)