The Ulaan Mochir music drama premiered in Tianjin on September 2, 2023. The audience experienced the Mongolian culture in the deep and melodious sound of Morin khuur, and felt the emotion and happiness on the grassland. (Jin Lidong/Guangming Picture)
The Ulaan Mochir music drama premiered in Tianjin on September 2, 2023. The audience experienced the Mongolian culture in the deep and melodious sound of Morin khuur, and felt the emotion and happiness on the grassland. (Jin Lidong/Guangming Picture)
The Ulaan Mochir music drama premiered in Tianjin on September 2, 2023. The audience experienced the Mongolian culture in the deep and melodious sound of Morin khuur, and felt the emotion and happiness on the grassland. (Jin Lidong/Guangming Picture)