National Park of Hainan Tropical Rainforest: Gibbon Guardian

2023-December-26 14:07 By:

Bawangling Ridge at Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park this is home to Hainan gibbons. With continuous improvement in the ecological environment, their number keeps increasing in recent years. The secret behind the promising change is a group of rainforest guardians. The story between Zhou Zhaoli and Hainan gibbons dates back to two decades ago. At that time, Hainan Gibbons Monitoring Team was just built and Zhou became one of the first “Gibbon Guardians”. During the past two decades, Zhou and his team have collected detailed monitoring data. For studies and researches from a “gibbon guardian” to a “senior expert”, He dedicated his youth to this work guarding and protecting the home of gibbons.

Editor: GSY
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