Three-River-Source National Park: Finding Path

2023-December-27 14:07 By:
The Three-River-Source National Park , Located in the southwest of Qinghai Province, With an average altitude of 4,700 meters above sea level, Sits at "the Third Pole" of the World - The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Yangtze River, Yellow River, Lancang River Originate from here, and flow all the way to faraway lands. It's known as the "China Water Tower”. It serves as a source of High-quality fresh water for 18 Chinese provinces (regions and cities) And 5 countries in Southeast Asia. It is the source of life for hundreds of millions of people, Its importance is self-evident. However This ancient and pure land, Due to global warming And human activities, Has also been in great ecological crisis. In order to protect the "China Water Tower", In 2003, The Three-River-Source National Nature Reserve was officially established. In March 2016, The Pilot Program of the Three-River-Source National Park System was officially launched, Opening China's practical exploration of Establishing a national park system.
Editor: WRX
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