New Year ambiance palpable across China

2024-January-16 14:23 By:

As the Year of the Dragon approaches, the festive vibes are intensifying, and the New Year market is buzzing with joyous anticipation. Families all around are gearing up for the Chinese Lunar New Year. Numerous shopping malls have set up sections for New Year merchandise, showcasing popular items like red lanterns, couplets, dragon-themed decor, auspicious symbols, and zodiac-themed New Year paintings. These celebratory adornments draw in citizens eager to make their festive picks.

New Year ambiance palpable across China

On January 13, 2024, at Shandong Qingdao's Duyuan Shopping Mall, citizens are picking out festive items for the upcoming Spring Festival. (Photo by Yu Fangping/Guangming Picture)

New Year ambiance palpable across China

On January 13, 2024, in Nanning, Guangxi, citizens are selecting Fu characters at the Shanghai Road New Year market. (Photo by Zhao Jingwu/Guangming Picture)

New Year ambiance palpable across China

On January 14, 2024, at Hua Fu Shopping Mall's New Year Market in Heihe City, citizens are choosing dragon-themed decorations for the upcoming Spring Festival. (Photo by Qiu Qilong/Guangming Picture)

New Year ambiance palpable across China

On January 12, 2024, in a supermarket in Yongnian District, Handan City, Hebei Province, residents are displaying the dragon-themed plush toys they've picked out. (Photo by Hu Gaolei/Guangming Picture)

Editor: WXL
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