In pics: Busy fields during the Summer Solstice

2024-June-24 11:35 By:

Busy Fields During the Summer Solstice As the summer solstice approaches, temperatures are high and rainfall is abundant, making it an ideal time for crops to grow. Farmers across the country are seizing this agricultural opportunity, working diligently to paint a vibrant picture of bustling farm activity.

In pics: Busy fields during the Summer Solstice

Photo taken on June 20, 2024, shows farmers harvesting wheat in the fields in Donglizhuang Village, Daxinzhuang Town, Fengnan District, Tangshan City, north China's Hebei Province. (Li Xiuqing/Guangming Picture)

In pics: Busy fields during the Summer Solstice

Photo taken on June 20, 2024, shows farmers tending to medicinal plants (Platycodon grandiflorum) in the fields in Dazhou Village, Shihetown, Qiaocheng District, Bozhou City, east China's Anhui Province. (Liu Qinli/Guangming Picture)

In pics: Busy fields during the Summer Solstice

Photo taken on June 19, 2024, shows farmers fertilizing the Rehmannia glutinosa fields in Jingwang Village, Silitown, Jiyuan City, central China's Henan Province. (Miao Qiunao/Guangming Picture)

In pics: Busy fields during the Summer Solstice

Photo taken on June 20, 2024, shows farmers transplanting rice seedlings in the paddy fields in Tushan Village, Banjingtown, Rugao City, east China's Jiangsu Province. (Xu Hui/Guangming Picture)

Editor: ZAD
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