The Community with a Shared Future from the Lens of Chinese Culture

2024-August-8 14:58 By:

The report from the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China underscores the importance of “upholding China’s cultural foundation and refining the spiritual symbols and cultural essence of Chinese civilization.” Throughout its long history, the Chinese people have built a unique civilization that is distinct from others and provided a strong spiritual support for the nation’s development. As China embarks on its path to modernization, it continues to promote the concept of a “community of shared future for mankind” (CSF), constantly enriching the ever-enduring spiritual symbols of China. This cultural foundation serves as a cornerstone for advancing the “Two Combinations” strategy, building a modern Chinese civilization, and fostering mutual learning and development among civilizations.

The idea of “harmony among all nations” forms the philosophical bedrock of CSF. Peace is a defining feature of Chinese civilization. For centuries, the Chinese people have advocated for harmonious relations, symbolized by the concept of “harmony among all nations,” which has become a central pillar of China’s civilizational spirit. In today’s world, despite the overarching global trend toward peaceful development, bullying and development deficit continue to undermine global stability. The development gap between nations often determines their different roles in the global endeavor for human progress. Western nations, adopting the zero-sum thinking, have historically contained the space for emerging powers, resulting in unprecedented challenges for global development. In contrast, China continues to champion the spirit of “harmony among all nations,” promoting a new type of international relations based on mutual respect and equality, while encouraging meaningful exchanges among civilizations. Embedding this ethos into global governance is therefore essential for fostering a richer, more diverse world of civilizations.

The ethos of “greatness lies in inclusivity” broadens the scope of CSF. Inclusivity is another hallmark of Chinese civilization. Just as “one flower does not make spring, but a hundred flowers in bloom bring spring to its full,” the inclusiveness of Chinese culture is rooted in the belief that greatness comes from diversity. This principle not only underpins interpersonal relationships but also provides a viable path for peaceful coexistence among nations. In a world where no civilization can thrive in isolation, Chinese civilization, with its millennia-long history, owes its resilience to openness and adaptability. History shows that civilizations that reject openness and confine itself to a single ideology, are prone to self-destruction. That among the four ancient civilizations of the world, the Chinese civilization was the only one that sustained to the present day without major interruptions, owes to the fact that global prosperity stems from diversity, not homogeneity. China does not seek to replace other civilizations but instead calls for respect for the diversity of human cultures. Building a community with a shared future for mankind requires respecting these differences and fostering an open and inclusive mindset to effectively address global challenges.

The wisdom of “collaborative efforts for shared benefits” outlines a practical approach for realizing this shared future. Human society is an interconnected system where stability relies on the harmony of its components. Actions that create divisions or conflicts between civilizations, as well as the notion of “civilizational clash”, undermine global exchanges and development. Chinese civilization has long regarded its growth as intertwined with that of the world, following a philosophy of mutual benefit and win-win cooperation. This ancient wisdom is encapsulated in the saying, “All things grow together without harming one another, and the paths of all are pursued without conflict.” Since the West Han Dynasty, the Silk Road has facilitated the exchange of religion, science, government, and culture between East and West, through which western religion, astronomy, calendar and medicine made their way to China, and the Four Great Inventions of China, together with silk, tea, chinaware and Chinese culture were introduced to the world. Be it Zhang Qian’s expedition to the Western Regions or Ban Chao’s military service, Xuanzang’s pilgrimage to the West for Buddhist scriptures, or Zheng He’s seven voyages, all of these demonstrate the Chinese nation’s enduring aspiration for “collaborative efforts for shared benefits”. In the new era, the Belt and Road Initiatives, the Global Development Initiative, and the Global Civilization Initiative reflect this wisdom, applying it to the construction of a community of shared future for mankind, and bridging the gap between the ideal and the reality of human civilization.

The pursuit of “universal harmony” represents the ultimate goal of CSF. This ideal reflects the ancient Chinese vision of a harmonious society, where “People not only care for their own parents or raise only their own children. Hence the elderly are able to live out their lives in comfort, adults have meaningful roles to fulfill, and the minors are well nurtured.” Across civilizations, justice, democracy, freedom, and peaceful development are universal aspirations. However, some nations continue to impose trade barriers, pursue decoupling strategies, and enforce unilateral sanctions, perpetuating Cold War-era policies that harm global interests. Marx and Engels once predicted that with the formation of a global capitalist market, national histories would give way to world histories. As such global market deepens, traditional structures based on geography and bloodlines are being replaced by a unified global system. Attempts to isolate from these developments will only hinder human progress. Since modern times, under the leadership of the CPC, the Chinese people have worked toward the millennia-old dream of building a moderately prosperous society, contributing to global stability and the progress of world civilization. The only way forward is to align with the common aspirations of humanity in building a community with shared future for all.

Whatever a nation achieves for itself will ultimately serve humanity. As interactions between nations deepen, cultural exchanges and civilizational dialogue will intensify, forging a future in which all are interconnected. The spiritual symbols of Chinese civilization are not just relics of the past but also guideposts for the future. They belong not only to the Chinese people but to all of humanity. In a rapidly changing world, the profound meaning of a community of shared future for mankind, as reflected in Chinese civilization, not only highlights the enduring relevance of socialism with Chinese characteristics, but also offers valuable insights for civilizational exchanges worldwide.

Contributed by Gao Shang, Special Researcher at the Yangtze River Culture Research Institute, Yangzhou University

Editor: GSY
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