Africa's waking up against the shadows of colonialism

2025-January-20 14:56 By:

The 2024 Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) Summit in Beijing marked a significant moment in fostering China-Africa cooperation, aimed at improving the well-being of Africa, a continent home to the world’s largest number of developing countries. The summit symbolizes the reunion of old friends and the start of a new chapter in future partnerships.

For centuries, African nations have suffered from Western colonialism, exploitation, and subjugation, creating a system of dependency. African countries have faced challenges in their quest for rejuvenation, struggling against entrenched inequalities in the international system and Western hegemonic tendencies. Africa, home to most developing nations, shares a common cause in fighting inequality and injustice perpetuated by Western hegemony.This dependency fostered underdevelopment and instability, making it difficult for countries to break free from poverty and assert their sovereignty on the global stage.

China and African countries have united to promote multilateralism and defend the development rights of the Global South. Unlike Western powers, China has no history of colonizing African nations. Both China and Africa share histories of subjugation and exploitation by Western imperialism. China’s engagement with Africa is rooted in mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and a win-win approach, supporting Africa’s decolonization and development.

Together, China and African nations have stood against Western neo-colonialism, supporting one another in international forums and working to protect the rights and advance the interests of other developing countries. They have strived to increase the representation and voice of the Global South in global governance, aiming for a more equitable world order.

A New Chapter for China-Africa Cooperation

The FOCAC Summit has become an important platform for deepening China-Africa cooperation. At the FOCAC 2024 Summit, President Xi Jinping emphasized that the China-Africa relationship is at its historical peak. He outlined a historic vision for future cooperation, announcing multiple initiatives and 10 partnership action plans aimed at deepening bilateral ties across a range of sectors, including mutual learning, trade, industrial cooperation, connectivity, health, agriculture, and green development. The action plans prioritize inclusivity, respecting the diversity of governance systems, cultures, and preferences among African nations. He gave importance to joint modernization between China and Africa, noting that the modernization of both regions is essential for global progress. In collaboration with African nations and the African Union, China is committed to developing a win-win formula for modernization that respects the dignity and sovereignty of all parties involved.

Several key initiatives were unveiled to advance this modernization agenda. For mutual learning, 1,000 African parliamentarians will be invited to China to observe its governance system, while 25 China-Africa study centers will be established. The African SMEs Empowerment Program and strengthened digital technology cooperation will help drive economic development. China also committed 1 billion yuan for food assistance and agricultural development, and 500 Chinese agricultural experts will assist African scientists to boost food security. Furthermore, 30 clean energy projects will be implemented to support Africa's green transition.

A cornerstone of China’s engagement with Africa is the “Belt and Road Initiative” (BRI), which has provided substantial investments in infrastructure, including highways, railways, power stations, dams, bridges, industrial parks, and telecommunications networks, all of which have contributed to Africa's industrialization and connectivity. It applied the principle of "to get rich, first build roads." China has addressed major infrastructure bottlenecks that have hindered Africa's development and integration into the global economy. China’s investments focus on large-scale infrastructure projects that offer long-term benefits. China’s approach is evolving, moving from large-scale initiatives to smaller, more community-focused projects that directly improve the livelihoods of African citizens.

As China and Africa continue to deepen their cooperation, the FOCAC platform will play an increasingly important role in building a future of shared prosperity, mutual respect, and win-win outcomes. Both regions are committed to developing a more just and equitable global order, with China as a partner in Africa’s modernization and development journey.

China’s comprehensive partnership with Africa, particularly through the BRI, has strengthened over the years, with 52 African countries and the African Union already signed on. Together, China and Africa are building a community of a shared future, working towards a world where their collective voice is heard and their development aspirations are realized. The outcomes of the 2024 FOCAC Summit have laid a strong foundation for continued progress, ensuring that the China-Africa partnership will only grow stronger.

Contributed by Mr. Khalid Taimur Akram, Executive Director, Pakistan Research Center for a Community with Shared Future (PRCCSF), Islamabad

Africa's waking up against the shadows of colonialism

Editor: WRX
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