Traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture attracts fans abroad

As one therapy included under the umbrella of TCM(Traditional Chinese Medicine), Acupuncture, which originated in ancient China and has evolved over thousands of years, is a treatment for pain or illness.

Traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture attracts fans abroad

It involves insertion of fine metal needles on the body at specific points to help balance the body's energy flow and to stimulate the nerves to relieve pain and sore muscles. Convinced of its benefits, a growing number of international fans have come to China on medical tours to experience the therapies.

Traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture attracts fans abroad

Recently a report by The SUN gave us a brief explanation on acupuncture. It said "Some have claimed that acupuncture has aided weight loss and anxiety.A study published in The Journal of Clinical Acupuncture in 2016 found acupuncture increased the chance of pregnancy."

Traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture attracts fans abroad

Netizens made hot debates with positive attitude on Twitter:

"Chinese medicine/Acupuncturer becoming mainstream medicine in USA", Dr. Ray(@RewatiRay) commented.

Kylee Cho(@kyleecho_cho) tweeted that "Acupuncture is an alternative medicine methodology originating in ancient China."

SolFit Hawaii(@SolFitHI) believes that "Acupuncture has been used in China for over 3 millenia. Recent studies support its benefits in pain management for chronic illnesses."

Acupuncture has been assimilated by modern and conventional medicine. With scientific researches conducted in several countries, its therapeutic effects have been recognized and explained in papers published in scientific journals. People believes that acupuncture has gained more and more credibility and influence in the future.

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has gained wider acceptance around the world, Wang Guoqiang, head of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said in an interview on the sidelines of China’s “two sessions” last month, suggesting putting more quality TCM products in global market.

Traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture attracts fans abroad
[ Editor: zyq ]


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