Instagram to launch long-form video service for mobile users

SAN FRANCISCO, June 20 (Xinhua) -- Facebook-owned Instagram, an image- and photo-sharing community operator, announced Wednesday that it is rolling out a Youtube-like service that allows creators to upload videos for up to one hour in length.

Instagram said the new feature, which is accessible both as a stand-alone app called IGTV and within Instagram's flagship app, extends the video length from the current 60 seconds to as long as one hour for content creators and the general public.

IGTV is "a new app for watching long-form, vertical video from your favorite Instagram creators, like LaurDIY posting her newest project or King Bach sharing his latest comedy skit," Instagram said in a statement.

"IGTV is for watching long-form videos from your favorite creators," Instagram CEO Kevin Systrom said during an event held Wednesday in San Francisco, where he announced the debut of the new online video service.

Instagram said the IGTV app will be made available globally over the next few weeks on Android and iOS.

Also on Wednesday, Systrom announced that Instagram has 1 billion monthly users, up from 800 million in September 2017.

Instagram called the growth "a major accomplishment" as the still image- and photo-sharing community has flourished and grown steadily since its launch in 2010.

[ Editor: Xueying ]


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