2018 FOCAC to Inspire the Way Forward of China-Africa South-South Cooperation

BEIJING, Sept. 12 (GMW.CN) -- Beijing--South-South Cooperation (SSC) calls for developing countries to share knowledge, skills, expertise and resources in order to meet their development goals through concerted efforts. SSC promotes technological and economical collaborations and exchanges in terms of infrastructure, energy, environment, small and medium enterprises, human development, as well as health education.

This year's South-South Cooperation Day took place just about one week after the FOCAC Summit and will therefore focus on cooperation between China and Africa. To commemorate United Nations Day for South-South Cooperation on 12th September, UN Country Team co-hosted a panel discussion featuring Beijing forum- highlight take-aways from the FOCAC Summit and implications for South-South Cooperation between China and Africa going forward.

“The increase and expansion of South-South Cooperation is welcome.” Mr. Nicholas Rosellini said in his opening remarks and quoted UN Secretary-General’s speech at 2018 FOCAC opening. “As long as it is conducted between partners on equal footing, adheres to the principles of the UN Charter, and other agreed international norms and conventions, it can benefit people’s lives and contribute to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development as well as regional development agendas such as the African Union’s Agenda 2063.”

Mr. Charles E. Namondwe, Ambassador of Malawi and Ms. Tania Romualdo, Ambassador of Cape Verde joined the panel discussion and shared with the audiences their opinions on how 2018 FOCAC inspired the way forward of China-Africa cooperation. Mr. Edward Boateng, Ambassador of Ghana and several heads of international organizations and diplomatic missions also participated in discussions.

Near 100 participants from the government, diplomatic corps, international organizations and media joined the event.

[ Editor: Xueying ]


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