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70 years on, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights remains as important as ever

70 years on, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights remains as important as ever

  Mr.Nicholas Rosellini, UN Resident Coordinator & UNDP Resident Representative (Photo source: United Nations in China)

Last week on December 10, the Human Rights Day was celebrated around the world. While the celebration takes place every year, this year was special. It marked the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a landmark human rights document that, when upheld, has contributed to enhancing the dignity of millions, preventing suffering and laying the foundations for a more just world. But, the 70th anniversary is also an important opportunity to remind ourselves that the human rights of millions around the world are still being violated on a daily basis.

   12月10日,全世界都在庆祝世界人权日。虽然我们每年都举行庆祝活动,但今年的活动意义非凡。因为今年是《世界人权宣言》(下称 “宣言”)诞生七十周年的重要年份。作为里程碑式的文献,宣言为捍卫人的尊严,消除苦难,奠定公平的基石做出了重要贡献。但我们不能忘记,在当今世界,仍有很多人的权利正在被侵犯。

Although the Declaration was drafted 70 years ago, against the backdrop of the horrors of World War II, it has shown itself to be as relevant today, as it has always been. I believe that the strength in the Declaration and the reason it has stood the test of time has to do with the way it came about. It was adopted by the UN on December 10 in 1948 through a process, which was truly participatory for the times. The drafting commission was made up of 18 women and men from various political, cultural and religious backgrounds.


Women, in particular, played an essential part in shaping the document. The Chairperson of the drafting committee was Eleanor Roosevelt, former First Lady of the United States. Working along her were other women including, Hansa Mehta of India, who has been credited for changing the phrase “All men are born free and equal” to “All human beings are born free and equal”, as well as Minerva Bernardino, a diplomat and feminist leader from the Dominican Republic, who was instrumental in arguing for inclusion of “the equality of men and women” in the preamble of the Declaration. The drafting Committee also included a Chinese national, Pengchun Zhang. Mr. Zhang was a man of many skills. He was an academic, philosopher, playwriter, human rights activist, and diplomat, and also the younger brother of Boling Zhang, founder of prestigious Nankai University.


Thanks to the diversity of the Committee Members, the principles enshrined in the document reflect not only the values within one culture, but those of human nature. The Universal Declaration, became truly Universal.


Since its adoption, the Declaration has been translated into 501 languages, making it the most translated document in the world. It has inspired the constitutions of many countries and laid the foundations for virtually every area of international law. The most fundamental principle set out in the Declaration is that “all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.” In other words, Human Rights are universal and eternal. They apply to everyone -- no matter our race, belief, location or other distinction of any kind. The Declaration also states that Human Rights indivisible. One cannot pick and choose among civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights.


Thanks to the Declaration, and States’ commitments to its principles, the dignity of millions has been uplifted, untold human suffering prevented and the foundations for a more just world have been laid. As the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, noted in her Statement for this Anniversary, “The Declaration inspired liberation movements and led to better access to justice, social protections, economic opportunities and political participation.”


However, State’s commitment to the principles of the Declaration cannot be taken for granted. Unfortunately, we are now witnessing how Human Rights are under siege around the world. Universal values are being eroded and the rule of law is being undermined. In recent memory, and ongoing today, are many examples of genocide, war crimes, violations of the rights of ethnic and religious minorities, and crimes against humanity. It is the obligation of all of us to defend Human Rights and call those who violate them out. At the same time, it is also our obligation to ensure that everyone, everywhere is held to the same standards. The protection of Human Rights must not be politicized.


The UN in China, just like UN Country Teams around the World, places Human Rights at the center of our development work. The 2030 Agenda and its call to “leave no one behind” cannot be achieved without promoting and safeguarding the rights and opportunities for all groups. The UN agencies work with national counterparts to enhance the rights and addressing challenges facing vulnerable groups, including women’s rights, labor rights, the rights of children, rights and protection of persons living with HIV and AIDS as well as persons with disabilities.


In honor of the 70th anniversary of this groundbreaking document, and to prevent its vital principles from being eroded, the UN has launched a global campaign to encourage people to “Stand Up for Human Rights”. I urge to join this call for action. Today more than ever, everyone, everywhere must “Stand Up for Human Rights”.


The author: Mr. Nicholas Rosellini (Italy) took up his assignment as the UN Resident Coordinator, and UNDP Resident Representative in the People’s Republic of China in October 2016. Prior to this, he served as UNDP Deputy Assistant Administrator and Deputy Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific since January 2009, and most recently also as Director of the Bangkok Regional Hub.

Mr. Rosellini has also served as UN Resident Coordinator/UNDP Resident Representative in Bhutan (2005-2008); and previously in various capacities in UNDP including: Director, Office of the Assistant Administrator (2000-2005); Deputy Resident Representative, Vietnam (1996-2000); Assistant Resident Representative, Pakistan (1992-1996); Programme Advisor, Ethiopia (1989-1992); and Programme Officer, Ghana (1986-1989).

Mr. Rosellini holds a Master’s degree in Economics from the London School of Economics and a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Bristol University in the United Kingdom.

[ Editor: Zhang Zhou ]