Nu Skin Enterpirses CEO:Fulfilling CSR actively by becoming “Force for Good”

Nu Skin Enterpirses CEO:Fulfilling CSR actively by becoming “Force for Good”

Nu Skin’s Chief Executive Officer Ritch N. Wood (Photo by Zhang Yu/ Guangming Picture)

“Nourish the Children” (NTC) Initiative

This year marks the 30th anniversary of CFPA on its road of spreading the good and alleviating poverty. It is also the 15th year of our relationship with this charity partner.

In 2004, we introduced the “Nourish the Children” Initiative to China, a program designed to bring together our business partners, customers and employees around the world where they purchase and donate VitaMeal to nourish starving and undernourished children. Our aim is to alleviate the impact of “hidden hunger”, and improve children’s nutrition in poor areas for their healthy growth. This program kicked off our cooperation with CFPA.The NTC Initiative of Nu Skin is aimed at children’s malnutrition in poverty-stricken areas, a positive response to the national call for targeted poverty alleviation.

Nu Skin consistently upholds the concept of “teaching a man to fish”, seeking to eliminate poverty at the source. Based on our innovative assistance model, Nu Skin sends VitaMeal, our unique meal solution that has been purchased and donated, to schools in targeted poor areas through third-party charitable organizations, so as to attract and encourage children to go to school.

Donations of VitaMeal and more than 50 “love kitchens” are testament to our long-term ambition of nutrition improvement. As of today, more than 600 million meals have been purchased and donated globally, and we currently feed more than 120,000 children every single day. In Greater China, more than 100 million meals have been purchased and donated. Nu Skin had donated a total of 65 million meals to poor areas in China, helping improve the nutrition of 1.68 million Chinese children in 80 counties of more than 29 provinces and municipalities.

Nu Skin’s Charitable Landscape

Nu Skin’s administrative and sales teams in China and around the world have been active initiators and participants in many charitable projects and events. Mr. Wood introduced that how Nu Skin develops its charitable landscape through these endeavors.

The Nu Skin Force for Good Foundation, founded in the United States in 1998, has supported charitable projects all over the world. In 2002, the NTC initiative was launched to help improve the nutrition of children around the world. Nu Skin has been an active participant in the poverty alleviation projects of the Chinese Foundation for Lifeline Express since 2006, donating more than RMB1 million,providing treatment for impoverished cataract patients and helping them to regain sight.Nu Skin began its ten-year donation plan for the China Foundation for Disabled Persons in 2014, donating RMB1 million per year and RMB10 million in total. NU ACTION was established to support people with disabilities into self-employment, encouraging disabled entrepreneurship, and providing them with start-up capital in mainland China, in hope of building an aid system for the disabled community. Nu Volunteer was founded in 2014 as a platform for business partners and service teams of Nu Skin Greater China to live and communicate our value of Force for Good.

Since we entered China in 2003, Nu Skin has established 24 primary schools and helped approximately 35,000 children in poverty. We will continue our efforts in helping more children to return to school.

In addition to the two honorary medals this time, Nu Skin is the five-time winner of China Charity Award, the highest-level charity award from the Chinese government, and the Outstanding Contribution Award granted by CFPA in recognition of our great work in charity. Also, we are the one and only enterprise who made it into China’s Top Ten Philanthropic Companies for nine times in a row from 2010 to 2018. Looking forward, Nu Skin will continue our commitment to CSR and make greater contributions to the society by becoming a “Force for Good”.


[ Editor: Zhang Zhou ]


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