Zhao Baozhong:inheritor of the Jingpo Munaozongge Festival
(1)我叫赵保忠,是景颇族, My name is Zhao Baozhong, a member of the Jingpo Ethnic Group.
是国家级非物质文化遗产景颇族目瑙纵歌传承人。 I’m the inheritor of the Jingpo Munaozongge Festival, a National-level Intangible Cultural Heritage.
(2)景颇族在咱们中国来说陇川比较多,那么现在将近四万多人。 People of the Jingpo Ethnic Group mostly live in Longchuan, where there are almost 40,000 of them.
(3)景颇族从来就爱树, Jingpo people always love trees,
(4)比较崇拜牛,特别是水牛, They adore cattle, especially water buffalo,
(5)还有犀鸟, and hornbill,
像景颇族最隆重的这个目瑙纵歌, At the Munaozongge Festival, the most important Jingpo festival,
领头的那个闹双,他头盔里面就有犀鸟头。 On the helmet of the man who takes the lead in the festival, there is a hornbill head.
(6)根据老人们传说, According to legends handed down from older generations,
景颇族是从远古的时候,这个在鸟类跳目瑙纵歌的时候, in ancient times when birds danced the Munaozongge
是犀鸟在前面领舞,还有孔雀, hornbills and peacocks led the dance,
还有很多的鸟类就跟着犀鸟和孔雀跟着跳。 and many other birds followed hornbills and peacocks to dance.
(7)我们景颇族最大的节日就是目瑙纵歌。 The biggest festival of us Jingpo people is the Munaozongge Festival,
就是说是大伙一起来跳舞的这个意思。 which means that everyone dances together.
(9)那个就是上万人, In 2012, there were over 10,000 people, the highest in history.
不单是我们景颇族跳,还有其他的民族,还有我们的游客,各个地方来的游客也参加跳舞, Not only Jingpo people, but also people of other ethnic groups and tourists from other places participated in the festival dance.
(11)也成为景颇族的万人狂欢之舞。 It was the 10,000-people carnival of Jingpo people.
(12)每年举行盛大的景颇族的节日,少不了绿叶宴。 Green leaf banquet is indispensable in each grand festival of Jingpo people every year.
(13)陇川的目瑙纵歌的时候那个迎宾宴,也是以这个绿叶宴为主。 The Greeting Guests Banquet of Munaozongge in Longchuan is also mainly a green leaf banquet.
(15)是用手抓的, At the banquet, chopsticks are not needed. People use hands.
(16)他的菜也是比较丰富的,有景颇族的比较出名的舂菜,还有鬼鸡。 Dishes in the banquet are rich and abundant, including famous Jingpo Chong Dish and Guiji (or Ghost Chicken).
(17)景颇族的绿叶宴制作的方式方法,也是各式各样的。 Jingpo people have various ways to prepare a green leaf banquet.
最主要的是舂菜式,各种佐料、颜料, The main method is to pound food with a verity of seasonings and pigments,
它这个干巴、姜、蒜、辣子、盐巴, including jerky, ginger, garlic, hot pepper and salt.
这些放到哪边去,是手工挫的。 These are all handmade.
还有干巴是烧的,是烧的烤的都有。 Some jerkies are baked and some are roasted.
(18)那么它这个原料是从山上采来的, The raw materials are all picked in the mountains.
它是饭是用叶子包的,菜也是一种叶子包的。 The rice and dishes are all packed with leaves.
(19)绿叶宴它就代表在这个,突出在绿字。 Green Leaf Banquet’s core is the word “green”.
(20)都是景颇族在的地方,自然界和你的食材比较融洽,也比较融入, In the places where we Jingpo people live, the nature blends well with food materials
那么吃的,也又别有风味。 Therefore, the food is very special.
(21)绿叶宴在景颇族是一道美食。 Geen Leaf Banquet is a delicacy of us Jingpo people.
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